
Inside of you lives a confident, wise woman who knows her truth and leads from her heart.
A woman who is Groundedin her purpose and unafraid to take action.
A woman who Loves herself fully and is deeply connected to her body and intuition.
A woman who Experiences her dynamic range of emotion, softness, and strength.
Yet most of us are taught to focus on all of the ways we don’t add up...

We hold our Wounds - our pain, betrayal, shame, humiliation, rejection, and fear of abandonment - so deeply within, that we begin to see ourselves as unworthy, unloveable, less than, or broken.
What I want you to know is that these parts of Yourself you hide away from everyone are your pathway home to yourself.
And when you have the courage to look at these parts of yourself & heal them, you can begin to live more fully as the woman you wish to be, the woman you really are.
I see you, and I want you to know that Who You Really Are is so much more than you realize. Who You Really Are is limitless joy, freedom, sensuality, wholehearted compassion, the ocean in a drop, Divine Grace in human form.

No matter how messy or bumpy your journey may appear,
you are Worthy of everything you want in life and so much more.
Not tomorrow, not 20 lbs from now, not when you’ve figured out your career or purpose or made more money, but Right now.

To acquire a life youLove living, it is important to connect to the courageous resilience within you in order to take steps forward.
That requires doing something Different.
It requires nervous system recalibration, mental alignment, embodiment, and sacred practices that support you in unplugging from the ‘rat race’ and focusing on what’s truly important.
That’s what I’m here to Help you do.
I support you to liberate yourself from trauma, past conditioning, old storylines, and everything the world tells you you should or shouldn’t be.
I support you to move through your fears, resistance, habits & emotional blocks so you can take action to create the life you truly want and live as Who You Really Are.

Offerings for You

When we work together, we’ll dive deep.
Our journey together is a permission slip to find your Truest Self.

Intimate, in-depth support to help you align with your Truth, reconnect to the wisdom of your body, deepen your intuition, and create more depth and beauty in your life.
Together, we’ll explore your inner world and help you connect to your somatic wisdom and deeper truths. You will be empowered to heal, grow, and turn your greatest visions into reality. When you become stronger and more confident in yourself, you can create the impact you desire in your life, family, community, and the world.
*To explore Private Mentorship, please schedule an Embodied Woman Introductory Session. Together, we'll explore options, availability, and whether partnering together feels like a good fit. Click the button above to get started.
One of the most powerful tools to support health and well-being, Breathwork is an active meditation using a rhythmic breath pattern to reduce stress and stimulate deep emotional and spiritual growth.
Breathwork allows you to drop out of the busy-ness of your mind and go deeper into your emotions and subconscious patterns that weigh heavily on your body and nervous system. It is a powerful way to open up, clear stuck energy, and access your inner wisdom. Through Breathwork you can gain greater clarity, vitality, and creativity.

In order to move from where you are to where you want to be, support, guidance, and community can greatly help shift your ecology.
Through immersive, transformational experiences, you’ll deepen your vitality, joy, inspiration, and consciousness in a collective of soulful women.
Monthly community gatherings for soulful, accomplished women to come together, deeply connect, grow, learn, and heal. Connect to your innate feminine gifts in a community of soulful women and become more nourished, confident, joyful and radiant. There is something so magical that happens when women come together. Join us!

It is no small feat to know yourself fully
To access your Emotionsand to live in union with your body.
When we are present with ourselves~ living attuned to the Earth’s cycles and living with radical self-responsibility and compassion for others, surrounded by supportive, healthy relationships~
We can begin to live the life we’ve always Dreamed of.
Not a life we think we should live, but a life more
Beautifulthan we’d ever imagined.
Let your life Reflect the beauty inside of you.